Further literature on the topic of interreligious and intercultural partnerships
Ali, K. (2006). Sexual ethics and Islam: feminist reflections on Qur’an, hadith, and jurisprudence. Oxford, England.
An-Na’im, A. & Chopra, R. (2005). Inter-religious marriages among Muslims: negotiating religious and social identity in family and community. New Delhi.
Ata, A. (2000). Intermarriage between Christians and Muslims. Ringwood, Australia.
Ata, A. (2009). Us and them: Muslim-Christian relations and cultural harmony in Australia. Australian Academic Press.
Beck, P. (2005). A flame still burns: the dimensions and determinants of Jewish identity among young adult children of the intermarried. New York.
Berger, P. & Luckmann, T. (1967). The social construction of reality. New York.
Blau, P. (1977). Inequality and heterogeneity: a primitive theory of social structure. New York.
Breger, R. & Hill, R. (1998). Cross-cultural marriage: identity and choice. Oxford.
Christodoulou, M. (2012). Amour, Islam et mixité: la construction des relations au sein des couples musulman/non-musulman. Louvain-la-Neuve.
Collet, B. (2000). Binationale Paare und Familien in Frankreich und Deutschland. In: Alber, J.-L. (Hg.), Grenzüberschreitend heiraten. (103-119). Fribourg.
Fishman, S. (2004). Double or Nothing: Jewish Families and Mixed Marriage. Hannover.
Friedmann, Y. (2003). Tolerance and coercion in Islam interfaith relations in the Muslim tradition. Cambridge.
Froese, R. (2005). Zwei Religionen - eine Familie. Guetersloh.
Goldmann, G. (2009). Intermarriage among Jews in Canada: a demographic perspective. In: Reinharz, S., & DellaPergola, S. (Hg.). Jewish intermarriage around the world. (S. 105-114). London.
Gordon, A. (1964). Intermarriage: Interfaith, Interracial, Interethnic. Boston.
Huber, S. (2007). Religionspsychologie: eine Anleitung zur Selbstreflexion: Huber.
Huber, F., Schweizer, E., & Huber, S. (2016). Interreligiöse Paarbeziehungen im Fokus der empirischen Religionsforschung. Der Forschungsstand im Überblick. In K. v. Stosch & A.-C. Baumann (Eds.), Ehe in Islam und Christentum (Vol. 19).
Mayer, E. (1983). Children of intermarriage: a study in patterns of identification and family life. New York.
Miller-Perrin, C., & Mancuso, E. K. (2014). Faith from a Positive Psychology Perspective. Dordrecht.
Parsian, D. (2008). Ehen zwischen Muslimen und Nicht-Muslimen in Österreich. Wien.
Paulus, C. (1999). Interreligiöse Praxis postmodern: eine Untersuchung muslimisch-christlicher Ehen in der BRD. Frankfurt a. Main.
Phillips, B. (1998). Children of intermarriage. Oxford.
Phillips, B. & Bayme, S. & Gordis, D. (1997). Re-examining intermarriage. S&D Wilstein Inst. of Jewish Policy Studies.
Putnam, R.D. & Campbell, D.E. (2010). American grace: how religion divides and unites us. New York.
Schoebi, D., Wang, Z., Ababkov, V., & Perrez, M. (2010). Daily Support across Cultural Contexts: A Comparison of Daily Support Experiences of Young Families in Four Cultural Contexts. In J. Davila & K. Sullivan (Eds.) Social Support Processes in Intimate Relationships. (pp. 335-359). New York.
Schreiner, K. (2015). Ein Paar-zwei Kulturen: So gelingt Liebe in einer globalisierten Welt. Fischer & Gann.
Seamon, E.B. (2012). Interfaith marriage in America: the transformation of religion and Christianity. New York.
Shachar, A. (2010). State, Religion and the Family: The New Dilemmas of Muliticultural Accommodation. In: Ahdar, R. (2010). Shariʿa in the West (115-133). Oxford.
Speelman, G.M. (2001). Keeping Faith: Muslim-Christian Couples and Interreligious Dialogue. Zoetermeer.
Spickard, P.R. (1989). Mixed blood: intermarriage and ethnic identity in twentieth-century America. Madison.
Waldis, B. (1998). Trotz der Differenz: interkulturelle Kommmunikation bei maghrebinisch-europäischen Paarbeziehungen in der Schweiz und in Tunesien. Freiburg.
Waldis, B. (2006). Migration and marriage: heterogamy and homogamy in a changing world. Zürich.